Why track energy use? You can’t manage what you don’t measure. Measuring and monitoring a faith community’s energy use is the first step to increase energy efficiency. A baseline provides a starting point to see reductions in energy use over time.

Where do I start? The Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star Portfolio Manager is a simple, free tool  that can help your congregation get a full understanding of your past and current greenhouse gas (GhG) pollution and energy use. When you input your utility data, the tool compares your energy intensity with other houses of worship. FACS can help you get started.

Learn how to use the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Tool. 

What’s an energy audit? Energy audits are comprehensive reviews conducted by professionals that evaluate the performance of a property’s systems and equipment against designed performance level or the best available technologies. Audits alone don't save energy. You need to implement the recommended improvements to reap benefits.

What type of energy audit level do I need? Commercial firms provide three levels of energy audits. Some will waive or reduce the cost of the audit if a congregation contracts them to undertake the recommended energy efficiency upgrades. Congregations that get their electricity from Dominion Power can access a free level 1 energy audit and a year of free technical assistance. Complete the interest form below for more information. A FACS representative will be in touch.