FACS advocates have made real progress bending the curve toward climate solutions. Check out our History to see some of what we've accomplished since our founding. There's still so much to do but we know we can't do everything. As we move forward, we're concentrating on these policy areas.
Electrify Everything
Slash fossil fuel pollution heating our planet by electrifying transportation, buildings, and your home to meet a 50% reduction of greenhouse gases by 2030.
Reduce the Waste Stream
Work toward a Zero Waste mindset by eliminating single-use plastics, expanding recycling and composting, and reducing food waste.
Expand Urban Forests & Parks
Improve health by removing greenhouse gases, particulates, and heat islands that result in high urban temperatures.
Green Solutions for Congregations
Help faith communities lower energy bills and save money through renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Prioritize Diversity, Equity & Justice
Welcome all races, creeds, colors, nationalities, genders, sexual orientations, faith traditions, and ages to work together.