Dear Friend:

There’s a lot of conflicting news and information out there today. And, it’s easy to feel a little bewildered and uncertain. Even frightened.

In the midst of this chaos and confusion, your friends at the Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions are reaching out to send you this message of caring and compassion.

We share your caring commitment to our community and our congregations. To our world and perhaps most importantly, to one another.

First and foremost, we want to assure you that we are taking precautions with our staff by asking them to hold meetings via phone or video conference and refrain from in-person meetings and gatherings. The FACS Board and Staff are committed to continuing to carry out our mission to advocate for equitable, local actions to address climate change and to place those most vulnerable to these trying times at the forefront of our actions. We thank you for being partners with us in this and for your support and care of our common mission.

In addition, we’d like to invite you to join us in a Zoom webinar this Monday, March 23rd at 10:00 a.m. FACS Vice Chair Rev. Dr. Jean Wright, will lead us in a program of reflection and sharing in order to support one another during these trying and difficult times. All you have to do is click to join or dial 1-646-558-8656 and you’ll be connected to friends and neighbors who are coming together in mutual support and love.

We are deeply grateful to you and your steadfast support of our work to confront the climate crisis that threatens all our futures. You play a vital role in driving our program forward and strengthening our movement within the faith community across Northern Virginia.

We hope you’re taking care of yourself.  In the coming days all of us will confront new challenges of living with COVID-19. If you can, help others near you. And, please follow the advice of public health officials and trusted medical experts in your area.

Look out for your neighbors. Together, we will get through this.

In Peace,

The FACS Board of Directors and Staff

Eric Gopelrud, Jean Wright, David Kepley, Sarah Scherschligt, Scott Peterson, Laurie Dodd, Don Craig, Shyamali Hauth, Ani Fête Crews, Joe Cohen, Meg Mall and Rebecca Mordini

P.S. Don’t forget to join us on Monday, March 23 at 10:00 a.m. Click to join by Zoom or dial 1-646-558-8656.