January Faith in Action

By: Kris Rosenthal

What are we growing stronger in? I see: we are ever stronger in community action, faithfulness in our care for all beings (human and more than human), creativity, determination and connection. I’ve been a volunteer for FACS now for about two years, and I am constantly astonished at the wealth of our volunteers’ knowledge, dedication and kindness. It’s contagious, in the best possible ways. Even as we struggle with living in an exploitive and mercenary social structure, we are also inventing ways to join together to create an equitable, enlivening society. 

One of my treasured adages is: “The more you give, the more you get.” When we put the giving first, of attention, affection, dedication, generosity, to a group or a cause, we aren’t depleted (which is what the extractive model tells us) but instead our cups overflow. Giving of ourselves is regenerative. 

If you’ve been on the edges of creating a thriving world, step on in. If you are already enjoying your collective action, I’d love to hear your story, and share it!