FACS has join a coalition of transit, clean water, housing, smart growth, and climate advocacy groups representing local and regional non-profits to speak up on issues for the upcoming county and state elections. The coalition is offering a policy platform that they hope all candidates for Fairfax County Board or Virginia General Assembly offices will adopt.
Fairfax Healthy Communities: Sustainable, Inclusive, Livable calls for an integrated approach to the land use, housing, transportation, conservation, climate and social equity challenges facing the county. FACS urges its supporters to read the platform and join us in speaking up on its behalf.
Fairfax Healthy Communities: Sustainable, Inclusive, Livable
A Joint Vision for Fairfax County in 2019
We support a vision for Fairfax County that is sustainable, inclusive, and livable and urge candidates for local and state office in Fairfax County to support this vision and to commit to the implementation steps necessary to make this vision a reality.
We share a vision for Fairfax County where the County commits to:
- Providing housing opportunities for people of all incomes, ages, and stages of life in every district in the county, investing in improving affordable housing and access to opportunity in communities where there are concentrations of poverty, and fostering greater racial and economic integration in single-family, low-poverty neighborhoods.
- Ensuring transit, walking, bicycling and other modes of active transportation are well-funded, safe, convenient and accessible for people of all ages, giving residents more choices and reducing traffic congestion.
- Creating vibrant, mixed-use, mixed-income transit-oriented communities which provide a range of housing choices and employment opportunities, while reducing vehicle trips and vehicle miles traveled.
- Fighting climate change by dramatically reducing greenhouse gas emissions from buildings, transportation and other sources.
- Restoring watersheds to ensure clean drinking water and healthier ecosystems.
- Expanding parks and trail networks.
- Ensuring access for all to affordable health care and healthy local food.
- Taking specific steps to realize its One Fairfax commitment to racial and social equity, community involvement, and the 17 goals laid out in the One Fairfax policy.
A sustainable, inclusive, healthy, competitive, and fiscally sustainable future for Fairfax requires a fundamental shift in land use, transportation, housing and energy policies toward walkable, mixed-use, mixed-income, and transit-oriented and green energy communities, and the full engagement of the community in achieving this future.
Coalition for Smarter Growth
Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions
Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance
Audubon Naturalist Society
Fairfax Alliance for Better Bicycling
Friends of Accotink Creek
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Potomac Conservancy
Friends of Dyke Marsh
Audubon Society of Northern Virginia
* The above signatories are 501(c)(3) organizations. This platform is strictly educational and is being shared with all candidates and the public. By law, our organizations are strictly prohibited from participating in, or intervening in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.)