Are you looking for ways to engage your congregation on environmental justice issues? Check out the recent articles posted by FACS on Facebook! Consider emailing an article, printing out an article for your congregation’s library, or linking one to your Facebook page.


A Leader in the War on Poverty Opens a New Front: Pollution

“A pastor is resurrecting the Poor People’s Campaign, a movement started by Martin Luther King Jr. He sees the climate and environment as issues on par with poverty and racism.”


Heat the Next Big Inequality Issue

Low-income and communities of color face a greater risk from extreme heat. “In 2017, researchers at University of California, Berkeley were able to map racial divides in the US by proximity to trees. Black people were 52% more likely than white people to live in areas of unnatural “heat risk-related land cover”, while Asians were 32% more likely and Hispanics 21%.”


What is Environmental Justice? 

“Environmental justice really reflects the fundamental reality that vulnerable communities are all too often subject to the disproportionate burden of pollution and contamination.”


Pope warns Climate Change turning earth into dessert, garbage

“It grieves us to see the lands of indigenous peoples expropriated and their cultures trampled on by predatory schemes and by new forms of colonialism, fueled by the culture of waste and consumerism,” Pope Francis said Friday.


Environmental Justice, explained 

“Social inequities are intimately tied to the environment.”


Dr. King Said Segregation Harms Us All. Environmental Research shows he was Right.

“Both minorities and whites who live in racially divided communities are exposed to higher levels of pollution than those who live in more integrated areas.”


The Koch Brothers vs. God

“The fossil fuel lobby preached its gospel in Virginia. Now, black churches are fighting back.”