January 2022 Alexandria Hub Updates
City Budget Advocacy
This winter the Alexandria hub is advocating for increased support in the City budget for valuable climate programs. These priorities include:
- Restoring funding to the Energy and Climate Change Action Plan
- Increasing City support for low/moderate-income home weatherization and energy efficiency programs
- Marketing and outreach to local businesses and building owners for the City’s new Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy program (CPACE)
- Creating an incentive program that encourages green building renovations for existing buildings
- Implementing the City’s Electric Vehicle Readiness Strategy
- Funding additional complete streets and Vision Zero staffing to make walking, biking and getting to bus and Metro stops safer and easier
We will be discussing these priorities with City officials and working to ensure that the FY23 budget funds climate action. Sign up for the Alexandria hub mailing list to find out how you can help.
January 6, 6:00pm Webinar – How Ithaca is Electrifying and Decarbonizing its Buildings and What Alexandria can Learn
Attend the latest presentation hosted by local group Build Our Future. It will cover the bold building energy programs of Ithaca, NY and what they can teach our city. Register here.
January 11, 7:00pm Hub Meeting
We will meet Tuesday, January 11, 7:00-8:00pm via Zoom. Our hub monthly meetings occur on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm.
Making Our Voices Heard
In December, FACS ALX hub members met with state Senator Adam Ebbin to discuss energy efficiency legislation and also provided comments on the importance of addressing climate change to a joint meeting of Virginia transportation agencies. Way to go!