By Kris Rosenthal

My conversations lately have been about “holding it all.” That includes holding faith that together we can stop harming the natural world and our life-giving planet, over time. For me, the word “together” is essential: the work is too big to tackle one by one.

Nourishing our spirits, embracing generosity, and practicing collaboration all need a community. You may have that in your faith community, or family, or circle of friends. Saving ourselves and the natural world takes all of our heart and soul. We all need to be engaged in making practical changes.

How to hold it all? I suggest you think about what feeds your courage, what connects you to life as it exists, and what that calls you to do. I suggest also that you plan in play and rest! We can’t do what needs to be done all at once. So maybe think rhythmically, musically, how energy and events move, and dance your way to change.

Systemic change is essential. Where can you have an impact?

  • Join us in advocacy or a team at FACS focused on schools, transportation or long term planning for the County! Collective action is making a difference.
  • Join or form a green team in your faith community. If you need assistance, contact or tune in to our monthly Tree of Life webinar for tips on how to get started!
  • Check out our YouTube channel (@faithforclimate) for helpful resources into our mission and programs.
  • Talk to your neighbors and friends about your efforts, and ask them to join you.
  • Show up for public hearings.

We can do this—together.